Quick Tips When Exercising on Your Period

Do you feel like your period is the worst time of the month? If so, you’re not alone. Menstrual cycles take a toll on everyone, and that includes exercise routines. It’s essential to know what activities are safe during your process and which ones aren’t, but don’t think that means you can never work out again!

In this post, we’ll discuss some best practices for exercising during your period and how to make adjustments if needed.

1) Avoid Certain High-Intensity Activities

A few days before your period starts, you may notice that you’re more fatigued, experience mood swings, and feel bloated. It’s because, during menstruation, levels of estrogen are lower when compared to progesterone. 

In addition, the loss of blood from the uterus can cause an iron deficiency which in turn limits oxygen transport through red cell production. Because of these factors, it’s best to avoid high-intensity activities such as running or lifting heavy weights during your period. 

2) Stay Active

You don’t have to stop exercising altogether if you’re on your period. It’s okay to remain active but do so in a lower intensity manner. For example, try swimming, cycling, or pilates. You can also participate in low-impact workouts such as yoga or weight lifting that are less likely to irritate the uterus. If you are back at the gym, take advantage of lower intensity machines such as an elliptical or stationary bike.

3) Listen To Your Body

Some women have no problem maintaining their usual exercise routine while on their period.

However, other individuals find that they don’t feel up to it. It doesn’t mean that you should stop exercising altogether, but you may want to adjust your routine or workout intensity based on how you’re feeling.

Some women find they have the most energy at night after their period has finished. If this is the case for you, try exercising in the evening instead of earlier in the day. In addition, some individuals experience less cramping and fatigue in the days leading up to their period. If this is you, try and work out in this window of time when your body feels more energetic.

4) Monitor Your Flow

If you are experiencing a light flow or spotting, it’s probably safe for you to engage in low-intensity exercise during your period. However, if you are still bleeding heavily, you should refrain from activities that could irritate your uterus.

5) Keep It Clean

Finally, always remember to clean workout equipment after using it, if possible, properly. When menstruating, there is an increased risk of transferring blood onto exercise equipment if you don’t wipe it down. As we all know – accidents can and do happen… Just to be on the safe side…make a double check just to make sure that no accidents have happened.

Hopefully, after reading this post, you feel more informed about exercising during menstruation. It can be easy to throw in the towel and avoid the gym altogether, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Exercise is essential for your overall well-being, and staying active should be part of your routine.

Just remember that while it’s okay to stay active during menstruation, you may also want to make adjustments based on how you are feeling.