Geminii woman: Ideas to adapt in this time of confinement
Due to the pandemic produced by the appearance of the Covid-19, our country and much of the world lives in quarantine. That means staying home all the time, every day not being able to socialize with anyone. This lifestyle is incredibly difficult to cope with, as it has serious psychological consequences, which vary from person to person.
Astrology can tell us a lot about this subject, as each astrological sign lives this quarantine in its own way.
The GEMINII woman is a dynamic, friendly woman who loves to move, party and make new friends every day. That is why the GEMINII woman suffers a lot or is likey to be impacted heavily from this quarantine, since she cannot do anything she likes – Go out to have fun, socialize with everyone, play sports, etc. Despite this sad context, there are several aspects that can improve the quality of life for Geminii women during these hard times:
Intellectual Ability
The GEMINII woman is a person who likes to learn all the time. During this quarantine she can take advantage of the time to acquire new knowledge through countless free online courses that are available to anyone. Best of all, she can then apply that knowledge to her career.
Social Media

The GEMINII woman loves to socialize with everyone. Fortunately, technology can help her communicate with whomever she wants through multiple platforms: Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom, social networks, Messenger, and much more.
The GEMINII woman loves to be informed about everything that happens around her and in the world. Thanks to the quarantine, she now has time to be informed about anything she wants to know. She loves to receive information, but she also loves to inform others. Gemini is the quintessential astrological sign for journalists. Therefore, she should consider becoming a professional journalist or communicator.
She could create a blog about a topic that interests her, or study a university career in journalism.
GEMINII women love physical activity, whether it is training to beautify themselves or practicing a specific sport. Due to confinement that activity is limited. Therefore, if it is allowed where she lives, she could go for a walk, run or ride a bike. If she likes to train, she can exercise at home by following an exercise routine that she can find for free on Youtube or in any training app.
Although the GEMINII woman is characterized by being very impatient, if she has good will she will be able to get through this quarantine. Fortunately there are many technological resources that can help her channel all the vitality and energy they have.