By: Iania Boyce
As we approach a new year it is customary to list resolutions and wishes to begin in January. However, some of us find ourselves by mid-February slipping back into old habits. My advice; begin the new year with 10 new life rules to help guide your path in 2020. At the turn of a decade it is much easier to look back and ask, “What have I accomplished in the last ten years?” If you want to change your life; set new rules.
Imagine yourself as your own best friend and treat yourself with self-respect and love.
Here are my top 10:
1: Show gratitude and compassion to persons that you engage with each day. Start with your roommate or spouse, a co-worker or even better, the lady who serves you coffee each morning with a smile.
Gratitude & Kind Words
2: Use kind words each day. Find a nicer way to say your everyday greetings at work or home. Leave a note on the fridge or a simple thank you can let someone know that you really appreciate them.
3: Be honest: Live with integrity, refrain from stealing or misusing items which do not belong to you.

4: Show commitment to your partner, husband or wife. Give them the assurance that your relationship matters.
Watch Your Thoughts
5: Remove negative thoughts from your mind. If you believe that someone has wronged you, do not hoard ideas of revenge or malice.
These thoughts keep you in an unhappy state of mind and slow down your progress in becoming the best version of you that can exists.
6: Give honor to the older members of your family, especially parents and grandparents who have lived longer and have more life experience.
7: Take one day a week to regenerate yourself. Use this time to write in a journal or spend time with loved ones.
Refresh – Talk – Support
8: Communicate more effectively; refrain from bad-language or offensive words when speaking to others.
9: Seek support in curbing an addiction; shopping hauls, binge watching television or drinking sodas. Find an online community or one in your neighborhood that can assist you in living a better life.
10: Stay focused on your goals and visualize the new life you want to live. Find the time to mediate each day, write down your to-do-list to stay on track. Live mindful and aware of the people you meet and places you visit. Take a moment to breath deeply and enjoy life.
Don’t sit by and let another 10 years past you by. This is your life to live to the fullest.