SUNLIGHT – powerfully influences everyone’s mood, women and men. This climatic feature is stronger than any other such as temperature, wind or humidity, among others.
On sunny days people feel cheerful, optimistic and with great energy to face their activities. This is because SUNLIGHT encourages the production of Serotonin, the psychological wellness hormone. When there is a full and bright sun, the benefits are reflected in the skin, which feels the warmth of the sun’s rays.
Logically, over-sunbathing damages the skin, but exposure to the sun at an appropriate time does the mood well.
That explains that during the spring and summer people feel hopeful, eager to do activities and eager to meet new people. On sunny days with warm temperatures we want to look fabulous, so we have a better tendency to train and practice outdoor sports. This is important as different countries move from quarantine and we head into summer. Additionally for those still within lock-down, persons can for at least for a few minutes capitalize on opening a door or window for a few minutes and enjoy some sunlight.
Instead during autumn and winter, when SUNLIGHT decreases and days shorten, there is a remarkable tendency to sadness. A phenomenon called “Winter Depression” occurs, which affects women a little more. This consists of feeling melancholy, tiredness, apathy, lack of energy and increasing appetite.

To combat these symptoms it is recommended to be sure to include exercise, even if we do not feel like it – because we are sad or depressed. That’s why it’s important for a friend or family member to encourage us to train during the fall and winter.
SUNLIGHT – is directly related to health, as vitamin D is absorbed into our body when we sunbathe. This vitamin is very important: It strengthens the bones, the immune system and promotes optimal mental health. During autumn and winter much of the population suffers from a lack of Vitamin D in their body, without even knowing it. That’s why it’s necessary to visit your doctor and check for a lack of this vitamin.
Fortunately Vitamin D deficiency can be solved with proper eating and diet and also taking a Vitamin supplement.
The reality is, that SUNLIGHT significantly influences our mood: Sunny days feel happy, optimistic and with great confidence in ourselves. On the other hand, the cloudy days we feel melancholy, pessimistic and have no energy at all.
Various scientific studies prove the powerful influence that SUNLIGHT has on humans. The important thing is not to be overcome by a trend. It is not fair to ourselves to feel happy only on sunny days. That’s why during cloudy days we have to overcome that negative trend by doing what we love, going out with friends, exercising, etc. We have to get used to feeling good all year round, not just sunny days.