Just before the pregnancy test…

Just Before We Take The Pregnancy Test

Some call it intuition others call it gut feeling and yet some others are oblivious. Its like this, we’ve had a little fun and mischief or deliberately had sex without the use of protection. Heck! Taking that all important pill is sometimes a bit tedious and we forget at times, or…did we?

Can’t say that the act wasn’t fun…sure it was – uninhibited fun.

Now we are a few weeks into our usual regular hustle and bustle…until we start to feel “strange’ and not ourselves. Just feeling a bit out of sorts right? It happens to the best of us, but then again we start to wonder. My body is just preparing for the usual menstruation and period right?

Heck we’ve seen these signs all before, that it may be a bit more difficult to come to grips with what is occurring in our body. Its like assembling a puzzle. This is “normal” routine as that time of the month comes around, and of course any abnormal stuff is in my head. Why are we getting so paranoid?

Heck! My breasts are just a little bit more sensitive. We’ve all had that haven’t we? I’m sure that someone else is nodding their head in agreement. This is of course a sign of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). What a pesky thing, driving our hormones through the roof and making our nipples so sensitive, or even swollen at the most in-opportune time. It can’t be that my body is setting up for anything else.

Trust Me… Just a little bit of PMS.

Then with this project that I’m currently on it is just so draining. Just need to remember to take my vitamins and supplements when I should. My body is so worn out at the most important time, but it must be – because I’m not eating properly. The boss is on my case and I’m not getting enough sleep and there is so much going on in my life…


Awhhh – That’s It – I need a break!! 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1…

My body can’t be doing anything else right now – no fancy internal changes nope nothing, I just need to get a bit more rest, slow down just a little and tomorrow or day after – I’ll sleep in late, its almost weekend. Right after all that – I’ll be fine and have it all together again.


What’s With This Spotting… Will you just hurry up and get it over… a little spot here and another little bit there…and then another here – Oh! Come On! – Period!

With all of the stress that I’m under, I knew that this would have affected me at some point…


Why did it have to be Right Now? Hmmmm

Wait, Sure I’ll hang on… just a few more days… Ahh great a little bit of vaginal discharge… Hey though, its marginally pinkish, somewhat light, somewhat clear…not the usual red! Gosh I must be coming down with something. I’m getting stressed.

We all know that stress leads to a little fatigue and makes our bodies do all kinds of craziness, but why am I now feeling flu-like symptoms.

Where’s the multi-symptom meds?…WHERE ARE THE MULTI-SYMPTOM MEDS?


W H E R E   A R E   T H E   M U L T I – S Y M P T O M   M E D S?
Yes I’m Shouting here…and Yes I am GETTING Moody….

These flu-like symptoms – must be someone in the office with some pesky bug… Oh this just great…  But – wait another minute – isn’t this more than three days now? This thing seems to be getting more intense… slight fevers – Its Hot…wait no…no Its Cold… Sorry Its Hot…Nausea…

Out of the way everyone… Hot…Cold…Sweating….Mmmm

Bring the Meds!!!…. Where did my appetite go? I’m bloated… Nausea… Fever…Chills…Sweats… Slight pain…

What’s Next?


Awh Shucks – I just can’t keep up mentally, imagine how my body must feel… I really should go see a doctor…

Me: I’m not feeling myself this past week or so…
Doc: Oh! Tell me what have you been experiencing…
Me: Oh! -That’s a bit of a long story, and my mood has been all over the place…
Doc: Hmmm – Interesting – We’ll have to do some tests…
Me: Tests? I’ve only got a little flu, prescribe a little something, some sleeping pills and some rest…
Doc: When was your last period?
Me: In fact, I think its due anytime now… just a few days late
Doc: A few days? Hmmm Okay...
Me: Yes, they’ve been stressing me, and been all up in my business recently at work…
Doc: I’ll need you to – just pee on this stick
Me: Pee on this stick? Why? I’m NOT Pregnant…
Doc: Just do it…so that we can at least rule it out
Me: I’m telling you… I AM NOT Pregnant
Doc: Okay…
Me: Fine – I’ll go and do the pregnancy test
Doc: OK
Me: Guess what doc… I’m pregnant…sigh!

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