Have You Tried Using Concealer?

Concealer: the ally of a luminous gaze

The eyes are the key to facial beauty, since it is there that our expressiveness is highlighted. Unfortunately sometimes the eyes cannot show their full beauty due to common things such as bags and dark circles under the eyes. Sometimes simply due to overwork, stress and fatigue. The is something which some of us know how to use to our advantage, which the cosmetic industry offers to help us. It is called a Concealers, and we can use that to make a little problem a bit more palatable or even solve.

There are tons of them, and of course do your research before you delve into your purchase, and if you know a friend ask her for maybe a recommendation or two or three 🙂

Simple Prep

Before choosing one we must prepare the skin to make the most of the concealer’s functionality. The first thing to do before applying a concealer is to wash your face with a mild glycerin soap. Then, refresh your skin with a moisturizing toner and finally, apply a moisturizing cream to condition your face.

Simple… Done… Nothing To It Right!

Tips to applying a concealer

  • Choose a concealer that is extremely moisturizing and has a high covering power. Remember that dark circles under the eyes have a strong greenish, grayish or greenish color, so the concealer must be of good quality. Hint! Hint!
  • While applying CONCEALER, use a good highlighter
  • Apply concealer only on the area where dark circles or puffiness are visible. Use your fingers, sponge or brush.
  • The tone of the concealer should be one tone lighter than your skin.
  • Do not use concealers of too light a shade because the final result will be too artificial in effect.

Brown under-eye circles, are corrected with an orange-toned concealer; soft under-eye circles need a beige shade and if your dark circles are violet you should use a pink shade.

  • To make the effect of the concealer last longer, place a little face powder over the corrected area.
  • The concealer is applied in two thin layers, with a waiting time of 10 minutes between them. It is not advisable to apply a thick layer of this product all at once.
  • The under-eye concealer should be applied after the foundation, because it is easier to blend the product afterwards.
  • If you have dark circles under your eyes, it is best to place the concealer in a circle under the eyes.
  • If your dark circles are very intense, place the concealer in an inverted triangle under the eyes.
  • If you have bags under your eyes, place the concealer forming “dots” under the eyes. To attenuate the intensity of the bags under the eyes it is advisable to place ice cubes under your eyes in the morning, as soon as you wake up.

The Take-away…

CONCEALER is the best ally of a luminous look. However, do keep in mind that before using cosmetics to treat bags and dark circles you should take care of your facial skin on a daily basis, AND! Remember to hydrate.

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