Mastectomy – What it is and how to choose the perfect brassiere!
MASTECTOMY is the medical-surgical term for removing one or two breasts when the cancer of the person cannot be treated with conservative modalities. It is also performed as a preventive measure when the cancer is already at high risk of metastasis, or spreading to other regions of the body. According to the ACS, or the American Cancer Society, about 1 to 8 women can develop breast cancer and a number of these women will need a mastectomy.
Although this procedure is vital for the patient’s life, especially for women fighting against breast cancer, the fight does not end there!!!
Dr. Shyamali Singhal, a surgical oncologist, stated that breast cancer survivors, specifically post-mastectomy patients, often leave survivors feeling that they’ve also gotten their self-confidence and womanhood removed. No doubt that it is a pretty huge adjustment and the procedure can take a huge emotional toll on the woman, which might also affect the way that she looks at herself.
It is also normal that we tend to be critical of how we look at ourselves, every single person on this planet has one part of the body we want to remove or want to improve. Now if you’ll add the thought of getting a mastectomy, then prepare to get your insecurities intensified.
Like what I have mentioned earlier, it is a pretty huge adjustment and that it may take time to get used to.
A post-mastectomy patient can adore her new body and can feel as womanly as she was before the procedure. One of the important aspects in recovery is improving the patient’s physical and emotional aspect. Choosing your first post-surgery bra can not just supplement your emotional recovery, but it can also allow your body to ease up and heal.
Remember that choosing your bra can help you regain the feelings of confidence and empowerment again.
Here Are Some Simple Tips In Selecting And Wearing Your Bra – Post Mastectomy!
Remember that brassieres or breast prosthesis can OR will change after surgery, this is one of the main reasons why the bras that you’ve worn before may not fit as your body may change after the procedure_.
During this time, your surgeon or primary care providers will inform you if your body has healed sufficiently for you to be fitted with a breast prosthesis or mastectomy bra. Keep in mind that wearing a normal bra at this stage may cause pain, irritation, and poor scar growth on the site where you had surgery.

The UHN for patient education recommended that you can only wear a post-surgical bra or post-surgical camisole if allowed by the surgical team for additional pre-cautions.
If the procedure you just had did not include immediate breast reconstruction, the primary care team will prescribe you a breast prosthesis.
This breast prosthesis is called a “softie“, it’s a lightweight fabric in the shape of a breast that goes inside your bra. Due to its lightness, some patients are even told to wear it after the surgery, it doesn’t put pressure on the site of the surgery, so do not worry about it irritating the wound.
What bra should I wear when I am ready to be fitted with a bra?
Short answer is to go visit a certified bra-fitter.
Remember that even the most luxurious bras and lingerie outlets make mistakes in choosing the right size for you, this is why it is important to visit a trained fitter in post-surgical clothing. to have a much more accurate fitting.
Note that any bra style can be worn as long as:
* It has soft and supportive seams
* Right and secure fitting (prosthesis is also secured)
* Wide underband and straps
* No underwires
Comfort is the priority when choosing your post-mastectomy bra, also ensure that the bra that you will be choosing has a high cotton content. Easy adjustable bras are also recommended. Then again, consult a trained fitter to assist you in finding the proper one!
Most women who have just had their bras fitted tend to stick with one style.
Well, it’s your choice but remember to always play with different styles or colors when choosing a new bra. Once the skin in the area of the surgery has healed well and no effects of radiotherapy on the skin is noted, less-restrictive bras can now be worn. Step outside your comfort zone and try something fun or new!
Coping with the effects of this condition is quite complicated and difficult.