Mental Stability During Self Quarantine

How To Stay Sane In The Corona Virus Quarantine

The coronavirus is a serious global pandemic that’s affecting various aspects of our lives- our careers, our health, our social lives and even our mental health. To take extra precaution, it’s significant to stay indoors at all times- both to avoid getting sick and to avoid infecting others. However, for some people, staying indoors can be specifically challenging. Whether you’re a natural extrovert or not, some individuals depend on distractions such as going outside to deal with their thoughts.

By staying indoors, you’re forced to be with your thoughts, on a daily basis with your only means of distractions being Netflix, video games, social media and books. It can be a challenge to stay sane, amidst the coronavirus quarantine, however there are still some ways you can keep both your sanity and your safety. With this being said, the following are ways to maintain your mental health while following safety precautions during the quarantine:


Being indoors is your perfect opportunity to be physically active again and work on your body. Since work from home is being implemented, you have no other choice but to stay at home- and this is your perfect opportunity for work-life balance. You can finally find time to workout amidst your work tasks. Not to mention, working out is an effective strategy when dealing with your thoughts and your emotions.

Be Creative.

With this quarantine, it’s the time to come up with new creative ideas for your passion. Whether you’re passionate about writing, painting art or making videos, it’s your perfect opportunity to focus completely on your passion and nothing else. This makes as the perfect outlet for whatever thoughts you may be struggling with.

You know what they say, turn your thoughts into art- there’s no better outcome than that.

Get Some Rest.

Obviously we all get rest at night, but when I say rest, it doesn’t just mean sleep. We live in a world completely overwhelmed by distractions and forms of escape. With the coronavirus quarantine, you can rest your mind, soul and heart from the need to constantly thinking one action to the next.

Whether it’s thoughts on work or on your personal problems, give yourself the chance to rest. Meditation is a good option for this.

In conclusion, the coronavirus quarantine isn’t something we all expected to happen, but it’s for the sake of your safety and health. That doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the entirety of your mental health, though.

With these 3 ways listed previously, you can maintain both your mental health and your safety.