Tips to Avoiding Work from Home (WFH) Burnout
Working from home can cause burnout if you don’t take care of yourself. You need to stay healthy and productive if you are working remotely. Burnout doesn’t occur to those working in the office but also those working from home can also exhibit the same symptoms. Signs of burnout include feeling anxious, irritability, feeling unmotivated, depression, and lack of sleep.
The majority of people who work from home can experience burnout since they rely on their schedules. They easily get distracted during the daytime resulting in low productivity. They may end up feeling lonely, isolated, or misunderstood. However, working from home is more advantageous; it’s all about working and enjoying your independence and autonomy.
If you feel like you are about to burnout, here are ways you can avoid burnout and remain focused while working from home:
Take Breaks
Protect yourself from working from home burnout by ensuring you take breaks before getting there. Set a schedule for yourself to achieve this.
Almost everyone working from home gets drawn into a project, clearing jobs to meet deadlines or having prolonged meetings. To stay alert, productive, and feel motivated, ensure you take breaks in between to freshen up.
Take breaks that match your interest, be it you like going for shopping, visiting the post office, or having your favorite snack and drink. Set aside time for holidays. You can include the breaks in your calendar. Remember, burnout can quickly happen if you don’t take vacations.
Take a walk

Walking along grass, trees, and flowers can be very refreshing. Getting up from your desk and walking around your apartment floor or visiting a nearby park will help you have breaks in between your work schedule. While walking, ensure you leave your phone at home to get the best out of your walk.
Consider carrying a watch to ensure your break doesn’t take more than 15minutes, especially if you have a meeting to attend.
Taking a walk will help you relieve stress, anxiety, and focus your mind on what makes you feel motivated.
Reward Yourself
Rewarding yourself will go a long way in keeping you motivated. You can choose to reward yourself for completing a project on time. You can promise yourself you will have your favorite meal if you achieve that assignment; this will keep you focused because you don’t want to miss that lovely meal.
You can also reward yourself weekly. Ensure you have a constant routine of rewarding yourself to alleviate burnout and stay positive.
Have an Off-Day
Taking a day or a week off to a vacation away from your work does the trick. Engage in activities that are different from what you do every day; this will keep you looking forward to your next mini-trip and prevent burnout.
Exercise Self-Care
Set the time to exercise your body, ensure you relax, get enough sleep, and practice mindfulness to avoid burnout. Consider listing things that bring you happiness and include them in your schedule to keep you motivated and alleviate burnout.