Do You Know Your Financial Triggers?

It’s a known fact that we have to be strong when it comes to our finances, but, sometimes there are things that can trigger us into spending money in ways we may not want to. Knowing what these triggers are and how you can counteract them is important if you want to start saving some of your cash, especially in these times.

It is also true that there are triggers that cause us to spend money frivolously. To counteract these triggers so that we can save our money, techniques are necessary. There Are Many Ways Money Can Be Saved !!!

Here are five things that might cause you to spend more than you need to:

1. Not being aware of your impulsive triggers, can cause you to overspend on a whim. It’s important that these impulsive spending triggers are identified so that they can be overcome.

One way is by keeping a “spending diary” where you write down everything that made you spend money over the course of a week. You can then look back and pin-point times that you did or said something, which led to you making an unnecessary purchase.

Once this is identified, it’s important not to make the same mistake again.

2. It could be easy to get caught up in fashion trends if you are otherwise trying to save money.

Keeping up with high street fashion is expensive and if you find yourself spending more than necessary on clothes or accessories, it’s time to re-assess your ward-robe, and spend less on what you don’t like as much as what has higher priority for you.

3. Sometimes we can be influenced by friends and family into spending more than we mean to.

In order to avoid this kind of influence, make a list of your regular monthly expenses and don’t deviate from it. Although if family or friends are trying to convince you into spending more than necessary, you should definitely politely decline.

I’m sure that you can find a way to do this without feeling guilty.

4. If the way that stores are set up makes you spend more money than you wanted to, it’s time to change the way you shop.

Instead of browsing around and stopping every now and then to think about if you want something or not, make a list beforehand and stick to it.

5. Be very aware of your emotions – as they can sometimes cause us to spend money on things that we don’t need at all. Sometimes when we are feeling down or depressed, it’s nice to treat ourselves with something that can make us feel better straight away.

However, you should try and avoid this impulse shopping behaviour because it will only end up making things worse in the long run.

Wrapping It Up

Beware of those triggers that cost you money. Your best friend’s last minute invite to a holiday, etc. If this sounds like your life, these are the triggers that make you go spend, spend, spend. Do not fret; there is hope!

You can fight back by taking some simple steps to help keep your money where it should be – in your account!

The best thing to do is to develop a plan ahead of time based on what situations you anticipate being in.

If you have a credit card, for example, and know that you will be going away on holiday with your friend’s family, search online for all the best sales ahead of time so that you can start to build up your wardrobe.

This way, when it comes time to hit the shops with them at the airport or other holiday location, you will stick to your budget and be confident that you have the clothes that you need to wear for the duration. Having a plan like this even works great for those days where you feel like nothing fits and everything looks terrible on.

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